by Chris Hansen, DPT, CSCS | Feb 22, 2023 | Uncategorized
You can go to the gym and watch people deadlift and see so many different ways that people set themselves up. For beginners and experienced lifters alike it can make things confusing to know what is right and what is wrong when it comes to getting yourself set up to...
by Chris Hansen, DPT, CSCS | Feb 22, 2023 | Uncategorized
Feet are the base of the deadlift. How the feet are positioned can affect the posture and movement throughout the whole deadlift motion. For each individual the “ideal” position may vary a little, but overall the framework of how the feet are set up in the...
by Chris Hansen, DPT, CSCS | Mar 4, 2017 | FPTC Blog
Pull ups, muscle ups, and toes to bar are common challenging exercises that are performed in many workouts They are especially common for those that participate in crossfit workouts. While there are a lot of moving parts in each of these exercises, having good...
by Chris Hansen, DPT, CSCS | Oct 14, 2016 | FPTC Blog
Shoulder mobility is a big problem with a lot of people when trying to perform overhead lifts. Hit the overhead lift with shoulder mobility exercises. Shoulder internal rotation tightness and lat tightness affect posture when performing lifts, especially olympic lifts...
by Chris Hansen, DPT, CSCS | Sep 19, 2016 | FPTC Blog
It may seem like it would make sense to do the same exercises and push young athletes the same way that you were pushed or the same way that you saw a coach of another higher level team work their older players. Unfortunately, more often than not, this can be more...