by Chris Hansen, DPT, CSCS | Oct 12, 2015 | FPTC Blog
The thoracic spine is an area that is commonly affected by mobility limitations. This is due to poor posture, poor strength of the muscles of the back, or other conditions such as arthritis. Mobility limitations of the thoracic spine can lead to dysfunctional...
by Chris Hansen, DPT, CSCS | Oct 12, 2015 | FPTC Blog
Athletes train to win. It takes work to go to the gym. It takes time and effort to maintain the appropriate diet. It takes the adequate amount of sleep to achieve the optimal level of athletic performance we want. Loss of sleep can take away from an athlete’s ability...
by Chris Hansen, DPT, CSCS | Oct 12, 2015 | FPTC Blog
Hip mobility is important for all activity, whether it is getting into and out of a car to performing agile and athletic motions on a sporting field. Mobile and stable hips allow for other parts of the body to be more supported with decreased stress during activity....
by Chris Hansen, DPT, CSCS | Oct 12, 2015 | FPTC Blog
Shoulders are the most mobile joints in the body yet people commonly present with mobility limitations in the shoulders due to lack of use, weakness, over-compensation, and repeated muscle fatigue. The difficult thing about shoulder mobility is that most people...