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Blog Articles

Should My Exercises Include Stretching?

It is commonly thought that participating in a consistent stretching program leads to improved performance with all athletic activities. The benefits of stretching have been described to be improved flexibility, improved muscle performance, reduction in pain, and...

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Strength versus Weakness

When developing training programs, many people assess strength for a given individual. The thought process is to determine an individual's strength and make them stronger. Stronger is always equal to being better. Stronger legs make us run faster or jump higher. This...

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Why Do I Gain Weight?

It is not uncommon to step on the scale one day to a surprise of an extra 5… 10… 15… or even 20 pounds. We wonder what happened to the days when we didn't have to worry as much about our weight. We think back to the time when it seemed as though we could eat and drink...

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Defining a Motor Unit

A motor unit consists of one motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers that it innervates. The motor neuron extends from the central nervous system and branches to form synapses with a number of muscle fibers after the nerve axon enters the muscle. A single motor...

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Test Your Ability to Squat with the Wall Squat Test

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Improve Your Squats With This Mobility Routine

Squats are the king of exercises.  Squats are one of the most functional and athletic movements we perform.  Unfortunately, many people squat poorly and demonstrate a limited, asymmetrical, and uncontrolled squatting motion.  There are a number of different areas in...

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Improve Your Thoracic Mobility With This Routine

The thoracic spine is an area that is commonly affected by mobility limitations.  This is due to poor posture, poor strength of the muscles of the back, or other conditions such as arthritis.  Mobility limitations of the thoracic spine can lead to dysfunctional...

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Sleep and the Athlete

Athletes train to win. It takes work to go to the gym. It takes time and effort to maintain the appropriate diet. It takes the adequate amount of sleep to achieve the optimal level of athletic performance we want. Loss of sleep can take away from an athlete’s ability...

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